When resident Lee moved in it changed everything. His Grandma Marjorie had always wanted to see him in a place of his own and thankfully she got to see Lee move in to the newly built Cornmill House before she passed away.

So Cornmill House means everything to Lee in more ways than one. He explains: “I could finally do things on my own terms. Before, I would have to get up or go to bed when the carers came in, even if I didn’t want to. That was just life and how it had to be then because of my disability.

Now though, I can do things I want to do and when I want to do them, even things like being able to do my own washing up because it’s an adapted kitchen and its lower down. That’s something I wouldn’t have been able to do before when I was at home with my mum.”

Now Cornmill House is Lee’s home base, where he heads out from in his power assisted wheelchair to watch Leeds United play as a season ticket holder and to play football himself as part of the Leeds Powerchair FC team.

Lee’s life journey into Specialised Supporting Housing has been well documented in his own words, having penned a poem when he moved in, entitled ‘Moving On’. It captures his fears about the huge life change ahead while recognising the move to independence as a total dream come true.